The 12 Feminine Archetypes Yearly Digital Calendar | 2024
A 12 months Digital (PDF) Calendar to help you discover the mystery behind the wheel of the year.
The connection between our feminine cycle, the moon cycle, the seasons, the feminine archetypes and the astrological seasons.
Learn how our microcosm is reflected in the macrocosm and notice how everything is connected and “one”. As above, so below.
What’s inside?
- Archetype Magic | Teachings about the Feminine Archetype of the month. What are the benefits of embodying this Archetype? How can you feel when you don’t embody her? How can you embody her in your day-to-day life?
- Seasons | Which season are we in? How does this impact our life and amplifies our gifts?
- Energy Portals | Important dates of the Energy Portals of 2024 that you absolutely will want to celebrate.
- Moon Phases | Dates of all the Full Moons, New Moons and Solar / Lunar Eclipses
- Zodiac | Which Zodiac Season are we in?
Purpose and Feminine Archetypes
- Did you know that knowing which archetypes you embody more and less can help you have a great understanding of yourself?
- Why are you not embodying a certain archetype, when you are fully embodying another in this specific moment of your life?
- What are the signs that you are not embodying certain archetypes?
- What are the signs that you are embodying certain archetypes?
- How can you embody them all and benefit from it?
- What are the benefits of embodying the archetypes you currently embody the less?
- Innertsanding is the 2nd key step to Remembering your Purpose
“When you know thyself intimately, you understand who you are and why you are here”
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